BUYING GUIDE. If you actually dropped the fat and got in the best shape of your life... they lose a customer!
Fail... and it's “cha-ching!” for them.
Now they can sell you the next big thing. Then the big thing after that.
Powders... pills... potions...
Cook books... point systems... exotic teas...
Bungee machines... ab zappers... Cardio DVDs...
The list goes on.
It's overwhelming... and confusing...
Old salesmen have a saying... “Confusion sells product.”
Keeping the regular people like you and me confused keeps us fat... And keeping us fat makes those companies richer and richer.
Confusion is very good for them... very bad for the rest of us.
Well... for you that confusion ends right now... right here.
Your original question was “Why am I still carrying around this extra weight? Why is it the only thing getting thinner is my checkbook?”
There's one big reason you still don't have the body you truly deserve.
It's all because pretty much everything you've heard up till now is dead wrong. You're overweight because the information you've been relying on is bad information.
Some— like the big diet monopolies— blatantly lie to you... others— like your friends— just repeat the lie they believe to be true.
Fraud or ignorance. Either way, years of misinformation is largely the reason for the way you look and feel right now.
So... let's set you straight with...
First is the plain fact that it's fat you need to lose... not weight . If you actually lose weight on most of the fad diets out there, you lose mostly water... not fat . You're not getting healthier... You're just getting dangerously dehydrated!
Low carb diets will not make you lose fat in the long run because they rob your body of energy thus making it too hard to follow. Low fat diets are worse, putting even more fat on you! The only way to drop the fat is by eating the right foods... in the right amounts... and at the right time. Sounds complicated, I know... but it's really simple!
Long, boring cardio exercise... four or even six times per week is the worst way to burn fat. If you know this little secret, it's now possible to burn five times the belly fat exercising just 45 minutes per week. Not per day... I said per week!
Celebrity-endorsed boxed food diets are expensive , and slow. That means you have to keep paying for months! Plus... the ads skip over the part about you still having to buy your own vegetables! That's hundred$ more each month!
Restrictive dieting (AKA starving yourself) is not only stupid and dangerous... but it doesn't really work! Why go to bed hungry when there's a delicious way to “tickle your system” into burning fat all night long... while you sleep the night away?
Now that you know the truth of how your diet was sabotaged before you even started it...
Now that you know what not to do if you ever want to be fit...
It's time for you to know what you must do to drop the fat right now ... and keep it off forever.
What you must do to finally look and feel healthy... sexy... in control.
Yes... we're talking about a simple, quick and safe way to lose 26 pounds of fat in 7 incredible weeks.
Claim your free copy of Rob Poulos's "7 Secrets Of Permanent Fat Loss & Fitness" at his website: Click Here!
Rob Poulos is a celebrated fitness author, fat loss expert, and the founder and CEO of Zero to Hero Fitness. Rob created the world's most efficient method for fast and permanent fat loss with his "Fat Burning Furnace" system to help those looking to put an end to restrictive fad diets, long boring cardio workouts, and the need for super-human willpower for good.
If you're thinking about using the Fat Burning Furnace system yourself, but still have a few questions, make sure you visit the Frequently Asked Questions page.
Also, it may help to read about the success stories of others like you to see how people in similar situations have changed their bodies and their lives with the techniques in FBF.
But you may become anxious to get started on your new body right now, so you can also click the button below to get started right now. Remember, you have a full 60 days to decide if it's right for you. If not, just email me and we'll issue you a full refund and I'll thank you for trying it's that simple!

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