The Reason You Can't Lose Weight has Nothing to Do With Your Will-Power, Over-Eating or the Right Diet! ... The Reason You are Fat and Unhealthy is Because You Have Disgusting Plaque and Horrible Little 'CRITTERS' Living in Your Guts!This is harmful Plaque (below) - Everybody has it. But to keep from getting sick and to be able to maintain a healthy body weight you MUST get rid of it now!
If you don't, it will eventually cause you to not be able to lose weight (regardless of how much you diet and exercise!) and eventually it will kill you!
That's easy! - Just look around you as more and more diet foods, magic diets, diet fads, health foods & even drugs supposedly designed to make you lose weight become available, people are nevertheless getting FATTER and FATTER and LESS and LESS healthy!!
You don't need such-n-such medical agency or someone at CNN telling you a bunch of fluffed up statistics and misleading numbers when all you have to do is ask yourself this easy question:
"Why is it that we have 21st century medicine and the greatest resources available to us on earth now more than ever, but people are just getting fatter and more and more unhealthy?"
Never let anyone argue against your reasoning, and keep this question in the back of your mind no matter what - and regardless of what someone else may say!
More importantly, try asking this question above to everyone you know, including doctors and health professionals, and see what kind of answers they give you.
I already know exactly what responses you'll get from them:
* "It's not an easy thing to answer." (Yes it is - just say it, doc!)
* "The answer is far more complicated than the question." (Not really, what are you hiding, doc?)
* "She [me] is only interested in selling you her diet book." (I'm really just trying to save your life!)
* "People have no self-control." (If this were true humans would have died off ages ago due to eating themselves to death - and many doctors rely on this answer above most of the others! Ridiculous!!)
* "There are more fatty foods out there today." (And you know this is a load of crap because $100 millions of dollars are being spent on the manufacture of so-called healthy foods today than ever before - yet a WHOPPING 68% of most people living in North America alone are considered OBESE! - And even other nations are starting to see the 'bulge!')
"Most doctors, so-called diet gurus and fitness experts are either lying to you, or just plain don't know what they're really talking about!"
Regardless of which of the above Plans you chose, don't forget: The Clock is counting down to make absolutely sure you do the RIGHT thing and make the right choice NOW (rather than put off, get fatter, get even more and more unhealthy, and you know what happens next - right?)So make absolutely sure you take action now (don't wait - because you're certainly not getting any slimmer, any sexier, or any healthier sitting here doing nothing!)
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