BUYING GUIDE. Most people believe that calories are the "enemy", since eating excess calories leads to excess fat, right? That’s why most people believe that the fastest way to lose weight is to cut way back on calories each day.
After all, if a dieter is eating 2,500 calories per day and they decide to cut back to 1,500 calories per day – then obviously those extra 1,000 calories have to result in weight loss, right?
Well, actually this is not exactly true.
In fact, if you try to cut your calories too much (via starving yourself and skipping meals) then you'll quickly reach a dieting "plateau" (a point where the scale refuses to drop any lower no matter how little your are eating).
Firstly, let’s talk about how the average person begins a new diet...
The scenario usually sounds something like this...
One day you look in the mirror and see that your clothes are fitting tighter than normal, and you look more overweight than normal. ...And on this day you get “angry” with yourself, you’re angry with what you see in the mirror – and you decide that you’re going to lose weight no matter what it takes.
You are filled with lots of motivation and anger on this day, and you feel determined to do whatever it takes to get slimmer.
So what's the first thing you do?
...You begin skipping meals and cutting way back on calories in an attempt to starve yourself thinner, since you're convinced that calories are the enemy.
Anyway, the above scenario is how you begin your “starvation diet.”
On the first day of dieting you feel so “motivated” to lose weight that you decide to skip breakfast.
Unfortunately, this motivation doesn't last for long, because after a few hours your hunger begins making you feel weak -- because your body is not accustomed to "skipping meals" like this, and your body is not accustomed to being without calories for so long.
Anyway, by the time lunchtime arrives you’re so hungry (and weak) that you feel absolutely miserable --- but yet you bravely tell yourself that you can handle this diet (because after all, you certainly don’t want to feel like a quitter).
So you perhaps have a piece of fruit for lunch (or perhaps another small food item instead), since you're still convinced that you can starve yourself thinner.
Finally, hours later when dinnertime arrives you’re so miserable and hungry that you have a major headache – and this is the moment when you finally begin to realize that starving yourself might not be such a good idea after all.
After this first day of starving yourself you feel horrible, but you’re determined to stick to your diet since you don't want to be a quitter so soon -- so you’ll likely hold out for another few days on this diet.
Or, if you are particularly brave then you may even hold out for a week or two.
However, regardless of how long you actually hold out -- you won't get any slimmer and the final result will still be the same.
You see, even after two weeks of starving yourself you won’t have achieved any serious weight loss at all. In fact, your body will still look the same when you look in the mirror.
Why is this true?
This is true because most of the weight lost during a “starvation diet” is just water weight, and not real fat loss.
You must remember that any “water weight” lost during a starvation diet will be gained back immediately when you stop dieting and start eating normally again.
Also, whenever you starve yourself you cause a “hidden” factor to come into play...
You see, whenever you starve yourself your body will begin burning fewer calories each day.
For instance, let’s say that you normally eat about 3,,000 calories per day.
....But then you suddenly cut way back on calories -- so that you're now eating only 1,000 calories per day.
Guess what happens?
Even though you’re eating 2,000 fewer calories per day your body will begin burning 2,000 fewer calories per day – so in reality your weight will remain the same even though you’re eating 2,000 fewer calories per day.Click Here!
When this happens the scale will stop going down regardless of how little you are eating each day, and this is known as a weight loss “plateau.”
This is why most starvation dieters cannot make the scale go down anymore after just two weeks of dieting. They all hit a “plateau” where the scale just refuses to go down any further, no matter how little they are eating each day.
Now you know why you’ve always failed when trying to starve yourself in the past, since it’s just not possible to lose weight by starving yourself.
The truth is that “serious” weight loss can never be achieved by starvation dieting.
Serious weight loss can only be achieved by giving your body the right types of calories at the correct times each day, which is something that we talk about below...
Your body is actually like a big “engine” -- and the truth is that your body needs all 3 types of calories (protein, carbs, and fat) to some degree.
To begin losing weight fast we recommend using the new Fat Burning Diet from Fat Loss 4 Idiots -- because it does not require any calorie counting (it's one of the only diets in the world which forces fast weight loss without the need to count calories).Click Here!

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